Saturday, September 24, 2011


One of the truest songs out there.  It's by Run Kid Run, and it just talks about finding freedom in Christ really.  Getting rid of the junk and clinging to Him.  I highly recommend it. 

Wow.  I have just realized how different my life has become.  I went out to dinner with my pastor and his awesome aunt and uncle :]......and I was just struck with how drastically differnet its become.  I no longer think about my cell all.  I realize that I don't even really think about movies or shopping or anything.  It's just so different.

Also, the past three days have really hit home for me.  From Saturday night to Sunday night, we participated in a 24 hour prayer vigil and a Daniel fast.  It was something I have never done before, and I really, really enjoyed it.  Basically, we signed up for 3 1-hour slots to pray throughout the day, and then for 1 hour to read the Bible (we read through Psalms, Proverbs and the whole New Testament).  It was so cool.  I had a prayer time at 5:30, and it was just awesome to feel God even when the world was quiet and still asleep.  Then, for the Sunday night worship, we just really talked about seeking God and just running towards the cross. 

This week has just been amazing.  The sessions were really, really great.  All about God's love and transformation in our lives.  I finally understand how to get to the next level.  Its hard to explain what all went on in the past week, but just trust me when I say it was amazing :]  On Thursday and Friday, we had what we call ministry days.  Basically, we just got out a lot of junk in our lives.  Whether it was confessing hurts in our lives and forgiving or just confessing sin in our own lives, it was so, SO freeing.  FREEDOM IS FOUND IN HIM!  Ahhh.  It was just really good for my heart. 

Now for some more big news.......NEXT WEEK I CAN GO HOME!.....for a whole day!  haha.  I'm so excited to see my family and friends!  Dont get me wrong.  I love it here.  But I cant wait to see people again!  :]  It's gonna be a good time. 

I really appreciate the prayers.  I can honestly say I feel them.  So much support and love.  You guys are the best.  I miss you all and cant wait to see you!  Have a spectacular week everyone :]

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love Is Here

I love music.  So inspiring.  Song of the day/week/year is Love is Here by Tenth Avenue North.  Basically, it has the most perfect message in the world.  It's a special song for me.  I think that everyone is searching for love in their life.  A lot of people look for their fill of love in an earthly, tangible form.  And while this isn't a bad thing, the most perfect love can come from no one but the Hero of my life.  You don't have to look, want, try, or search any farther for it.  And this song couldn't put it any better.  Ahhh I just love it.

I have been learning a lot about loving others tho while I have been here. Like a crazy lot.  Love is so so much more than the word we say.  Its our life and the way we live it.  Today, we had the best session so far, and the speaker was so convicting and made the topic relevant to my life.  He talked on character.  It was the greatest.  I really cant even put it into words how great it was.  I have just been so touched since I have been here. 

I also just wanna fill you guys in a little on our outreach location.  We have been going to a trailer park in Columbus and helping kids with homework.  It has been.....incredible.  Honestly.  I have made relationships with these kids, and they are soooo so sweet.  I love them already.  They have dubbed me "Juicy", confusing the pronunciation of "Yutzy" with the fruity drink :]  But it has been so cool. 

I realize this post has been all over the place, and I am very sorry.  I just need to process all the things that have been happening over the past couple days, and then I will elaborate more.  I love you guys!  Thanks for the prayers and support!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Just Like You

Ok, so originally this post was supposed to be published like a week ago.  But it never went through and a TON of the post just didnt even get saved.  So, im just gonna continue from my life now.

I feel like songs really inspire me at this time in my life.  The words of what I listen to are so much more important to me now than they were even just a couple months ago.  I love it.  Right now one of the songs that I can't get over is "Just Like You" but Lecrae.  Loving the Lecrae right now as well.  But if you just listen to the words of the song its very cool.  He is a genuine guy, and has some pretty sweet rhymes. 

Life at the RIC so far is GREAT!  I am getting to know people, laughing, and I already feel my self starting to grow.  I feel like I have learned so much already that I can't even update adequately.  But, I've learned about prayer, worship, and just loving God in general.  We went on a prayer walk, had a mall hunt at Easton, did a prayer challenge in Columbus, ate a lot of different types of food, and ran at 6 in the morning.  Yes, I said ran at 6 IN THE MORNING.  Life is crazy different, but I really like the difference.  It's sort of hard to miss stuff back home, but I know its gonna be worth it in the end. 

Last night we had the best worship experience.  I'm already looking forward to Sunday nights all the time.  Good stuff.  Everyone should experience worship like this.  I don't know, I just don't even know where to start.  Life here is good, and I've learned so many things and just can't even sum it all up on here.  So, I guess I'm just gonna MAKE SURE I publish this post and begin filling you guys in from now on.  Sound good?  Good.  :]

Love you all.  Please continue to keep all of us here at training in your prayers.  You are all missed!